Following the instructions of the World Health Organization and the Greek government, we have taken all the following measures to prevent and protect against the new coronary artery disease (COVID-19). In this context, all our vehicles are equipped with the following:

• Antiseptic fluid for use by our drivers and passengers.

• One-time protective masks for mandatory use by our drivers and our passengers.

• Disposable protective gloves for mandatory use by our drivers and for optional use by our passengers.

Also for the best protection of all of us we perform the following actions:

• Cleaning of all external and internal surfaces (door handle, windows, etc.) of our cars with antiseptic fluid after the end of each of our journeys.

• Informing our passengers about the prevention and protection measures that apply especially in our country.

• Mandatory cessation of work by our drivers who if they have symptoms of the new coronary artery (covid-19).

Health is paramount to us, so we will do everything we can to protect ourselves and our passengers from the new pandemic that has plagued many of our fellow human beings around the world.